Misery Lane

Misery Lane

Frozen Summer by Misery Lane

Misery Lane started as an idea and has grown into so much more. We are a multi-genre metal band that uses dark and melodic rhythms with aggressive and expansive drumbeats to cross the boundaries of labels and open the door to a new musical experience. Founded in October 2020, Misery Lane is a rising star in the Michigan metal community and surrounding states. Catching the eye of multiple promoters after they launched, Misery Lane secured shows in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver powerful and explosive live performances.

HMA: Can you describe the content of your new record?

We try to make something for everyone. There is no cookie-cutter method for writing songs. We use our combined influences to transgress musical borders and bring a little of everything to each song. One song you listed might sound like rock, another metal and yet another a ballad, but both songs sound different.

HMA: What principles do you usually rely on when creating something new?

I like to call it the mood of the day. Sometimes, the song will just come to me; sometimes, it’s based on an idea or experience. We ensure we cater the music to the song, not the song to the music.

HMA: Is there a common lyrical concept?

This record is about various things that people can relate to daily. Songs like Liar, Won’t Change My Life and Wake Up are about exactly what the title says. Where Did You Go was written after my fiancé passed away suddenly in 2018. Please Stay is about begging someone to stay in your life. In this case, it’s about my mom leaving when I was 11. Goodnight has people saying it’s either about depression or suicide, but the original idea behind the song was about someone giving up on a relationship. So, it is something everyone can identify with. Simple and to the point.

HMA: Could you describe your artwork?

The artwork on the album is a play on Pennywise the Clown, but we couldn’t use the exact image for copyright reasons. There is a song on the album titled Red Balloon, so it fits perfectly.

HMA: Given the current political climate. What are your thoughts on free speech?

Free speech is no longer accessible. There needs to be more interpretation of speech to make it fit a narrative. Speech people don’t like is now called hate speech when, in fact, it’s just an opinion they disagree with. People value opinion over truth, and that’s a scary place to be. Words like misinformation and disinformation are thrown around too casually when they should be information, and it is up to the listener/viewer/reader to delineate where they pertain to the topic. If you control information, you contain thought, and I hope we stay at that point.

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